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Does VanquishME Fat Removal Really Work

So many of us know what it’s like to have those stubborn areas of fat that just don’t seem to budge, even with diet and exercise. It’s not only frustrating, but at times, disheartening!  That’s where noninvasive fat reduction treatments, such as VanquishME from BTL aesthetics, comes in.


VanquishME is one of the most innovative and popular fat removal devices on the market. Through the use of radio waves, this device can help kill fat cells within a particular area. The FDA approved this device for heating deep-tissue in 2013. With the use of VanquishME, patients can successfully terminate fat cells with minimal side effects, if any. Patients who have used this device have reported the loss of a few pounds and the reduction of a few inches from their waistline or thighs. This treatment is an unparalleled, non-invasive option for patients who are looking to debulk as partnering with us in their weight loss and fitness journey.


VanquishME is one of the most accessible and straightforward methods for reducing fat in a particular area. This treatment utilizes an applicator to transfer radio frequency waves and heat to target adipose tissue. Localization is an important characteristic of the treatment as VanquishME’s effects are best seen when the treatment is restricted to a particular area such as the stomach or waist. With the elimination of a certain number of fat cells, the volume of the treated area is decreased.


The radio waves are able to differentiate between skin, muscle, and fat cells. Fat cells, which are also called adipocytes, are easier to damage by the emission of heat. The VanquishME applicator helps to heat these cells to around 120-degrees, but all other cells are left intact and unharmed. The damage that is inflicted upon adipocytes results in a controlled death known as apoptosis. For many fat cells, this process is instant. Other cells require a few weeks to disappear. Once the fat cells are dead, they are filtered via the lymphatic system, further processed through the liver, and finally pass through the body naturally.


Even patients who experience a difference after the first treatment are advised to undergo at least three more sessions to experience the maximum results. We offer a package of four treatments with individual treatments for maintenance only.   A typical session normally lasts from 30 to 45 minutes. It’s recommendable to drink plenty of water before and after the procedure to help promote better results. The better hydrated, the better the result.  Patients that are dehydrated cannot be treated with VanquishME until hydration is achieved.


Another major benefit of the VanquishME treatment is the lack of recovery and downtime following the procedure. It is common to experience a mild red coloring in the treated area from the heat, but this side effect is incredibly minimal and will subside very quickly.

Overall, VanquishME treatments have been proven to be effective in the removal of fat cells. It’s important to remember that this treatment works best for individuals who are close to their goal weight and have only a few extra pounds of stubborn fat to remove. If you have any questions or would like a free consultation with our Patient Care Coordinator, we’d love to talk to you! Feel free to give us a call or contact us by filling out our online form.

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Dr. Deborah Manjoney is a board-certified surgeon and physician with extensive training, including cardiothoracic surgery. She founded the Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in 2002, where she specializes in vein treatments and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Dr. Manjoney is nationally recognized, having spoken at conferences, received awards, and contributed to medical publications.