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What is the difference between Fat Loss and Weight Loss

As a provider at Wisconsin Vein Center & Medispa, I perform many treatments of CoolSculpting– at least two patients a day.  It is one of our most popular treatments and provides wonderful results for those who want to reshape their body.  Many patients are within 10 to 15 lbs of their goal weight and are having trouble working it off at the gym.  Other patients are overweight and looking to jumpstart their weight loss adventure.  I find that the patients who want to jumpstart their weight loss commonly state they would like to lose a few pounds before having the CoolSculpting procedure.  Many marry the two terms of fat loss and weight loss, but they really do have very different meanings.

“Weight loss” is a common term we hear every day.  But when you step on the scale, do you automatically think your weight indicates how much fat is in your body?  It actually indicates the sum weight of your bones, organs, muscles, and body fat.  Stepping on the scale can be unreliable because your body weight fluctuates daily since it is influenced by your stomach/bladder/bowel content, water loss/retention, muscle loss/gain and fat loss/gain.  So when you say, “I would like to lose some weight.”, you are really wanting to lower the weight of your body, not fat.

At birth, you are born with a specific number of fat cells and that number stays constant through adulthood.  When you gain weight, these fat cells become bigger because they store energy as fat.  When you lose weight, the fat cells shrink to a smaller size.  With CoolSculpting, we aim to freeze and eliminate the actual cell that houses the energy and stores it as fat.  In one treatment, we typically will see a loss of 20-25% in the area.  Some patients opt to do a second treatment in the area to achieve a more contoured look, which we highly recommend! 

CoolSculpting is the right procedure for you if you are looking to debulk a large area of fat or simply recontour areas of your body to achieve the shape you’ve always wanted.  This treatment has no downtime and typically shows results starting as soon as 6 weeks.  Your peak results are most visible at 12 weeks.  So don’t let the scale trick you.  Your weight is nothing but a number. 

Call  262-236-5179 today to find out if CoolSculpting treatments are right for you.

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Dr. Deborah Manjoney is a board-certified surgeon and physician with extensive training, including cardiothoracic surgery. She founded the Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in 2002, where she specializes in vein treatments and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Dr. Manjoney is nationally recognized, having spoken at conferences, received awards, and contributed to medical publications.