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Why Lip Augmentation is Becoming One of the Hottest Beauty Trends

Lip augmentation with fillers is nothing new – it has consistently been one of the most popular non-surgical treatments performed each year. Although the demand for lip fillers hasn’t changed, the approach and end-results have. If you’re considering making this the year you finally take the plunge into facial fillers, then here’s what to know about lip fillers and what you can expect from your expert injector at Wisconsin Vein Center & Medi Spa.


In years past, the goal with lip fillers was to create a big, bold pout. More recently, the goal with lip fillers has shifted to a more naturally balanced look. With the help of the right injector, lip fillers should be more about achieving the most flattering look for your face, not overtaking the rest of your features. Some lip fillers can even be used to correct asymmetry or change your smile – things that were previously unheard of when lip fillers were used solely for volume. In fact, lip fillers nowadays can be completely indistinguishable from natural lips as formulas and techniques continue to improve. It’s easy to wind up with an ‘over-filled’ look with inexperienced injectors, so make sure to find one that fits your goals and has the knowledge to back it up.


It can be overwhelming to research which lip fillers are best for you and realize there are more than you thought! In fact, major brands like Restylane® or Juvéderm® carry multiple options for lip augmentation. This means that there are more ways than ever to achieve your goals. It also makes it even more important to find a knowledgeable injector who knows their craft and can select the best formula for your goals. In some cases, you may even benefit from multiple different formulas in a single area.


As lip filler formulas become better, you can count on your results lasting for6-9 months or more (depending on your product). That’s because we’ve come a long way from collagen injections of the turn of the century. Despite the price tag, many patients are realizing that lip fillers are worth the investment when they can enjoy results for the long term.


With the prevalence of fillers in recent years, the techniques and art involved has become more and more refined. This has created a demand for more experienced and knowledgeable injectors – so, now more than ever, you can find an injector who can create naturally stunning results while also maintaining a safe and sanitary environment. Injectable treatments are both a science and an art, and experienced injectors are the best place to look if you’re hoping to boost your confidence in ways you didn’t think were possible.


If you’re interested in learning more about lip fillers, our professional injectors can help. Schedule a consultation at our Pewaukee office by calling or filling out our online contact form.

Owner / On-Site Medical Director at  | Website

Dr. Deborah Manjoney is a board-certified surgeon and physician with extensive training, including cardiothoracic surgery. She founded the Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in 2002, where she specializes in vein treatments and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Dr. Manjoney is nationally recognized, having spoken at conferences, received awards, and contributed to medical publications.