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Which Non-Surgical Fat Reduction is Best for Me?

Although plastic surgery is quickly advancing with fat reduction techniques, surgery isn’t an option for everyone. While this might be one reason patients seek out non-surgical options, another reason is that non-surgical techniques have come a long way. CoolSculpting is one such technique in which fat cells are ‘frozen’ using cryolypolysis and eliminated through the normal metabolic processes of the body. EmSculpt is another technique in which HIFEM magnetic field technology is delivered through the skin resulting in 20,000 supramaximal muscle contractions per session. Each of these popular techniques has pros and cons, so it’s best to compare both treatments before opting for a consultation.


Both CoolSculpting and EmSculpt are approved by FDA, and therefore are both safe and effective in the hands of an expert practitioner. It’s highly important to never attempt these techniques at home.


EmSculpt is totally painless and does not require any downtime. No cold or hot temperatures are required to remove fat, making the treatment comfortable and even relaxing.  Muscle is stimulated to contract, with fat cell rupture occurring to provide energy to the muscle.  CoolSculpting utilizes cold temperatures to kill fat cells, which produces a numbing and tingling effect. Although there can be initial coldness, most patients report that the treatment area numbs quickly.


CoolSculpting treatment requires about 35-60 minutes, depending on different hand pieces, whereas EmSculpt treatment takes about 5-30 minutes.  CoolSculpting  usually requires at least 2 treatment sessions  spaced approximately one month apart, whereas EmSculpt requires a minimum of 4 sessions performed 2-3 days apart. So, EmSculpt is a more time efficient procedure as compared to CoolSculpting. However, CoolSculpting may be a better option for patients with busy schedules or who have more fat to lose.


With each treatment, CoolSculpting can remove an average of 22% of fat in the treatment area, which occurs over the course of several weeks after the treatment. The major advantage of EmSculpt is that it enhances muscle mass by an average of 16%, in addition to 19%- 23% of fat removal in the treatment area exhibited after several weeks. The results can be different for both the procedures, with EmSculpt providing a more muscular or toned look, and CoolSculpting removing “pinchable” fat rolls. CoolSculpting comes with the benefit of changeable handpieces, allowing better treatment of small or multiple areas, making this technique more customizable to your goals.


Patients normally experience some redness and numbing for a few hours after CoolSculpting, but this does not prevent patients from returning to their normal schedule. Light muscle soreness like that of a heavy workout is usually felt after EmSculpt with no downtime and side effects. Both CoolSculpting and EmSculpt come with very few serious side effects when performed by an experienced technician.

The best way to determine which procedure will benefit you best is through a consultation at Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa. Our technicians can assess your lifestyle and aesthetic goals to recommend the best technique for you and create a unique treatment plan. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling or filling out our online form.

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Dr. Deborah Manjoney is a board-certified surgeon and physician with extensive training, including cardiothoracic surgery. She founded the Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in 2002, where she specializes in vein treatments and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Dr. Manjoney is nationally recognized, having spoken at conferences, received awards, and contributed to medical publications.