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Can Botox Actually Help With Excessive Sweating

When referring to Botox, many people likely think about its anti-aging properties. The most common use of Botox is to reduce the appearance of moderate to severe facial wrinkles, like crow’s feet (around the eyes) and frown lines (between the brows). While it’s incredibly effective for those issues, it can also be used to treat other, less talked-about, problems.

Botox For Excessive Sweating Treatment

Few people know it, but Botox can also be used to reduce sweating. In a matter of minutes – about 10-15 minutes to be exact – you can receive a treatment and be on your way. Similar to the way it’s used on the face, Botox is injected in a series of multiple tiny injections under the arms. Prior to your treatment, we perform an iodine test to show exactly where the sweat is likely to come from. This helps guide us to where the injections should be placed. There’s very little pain during the injections, and no downtime afterward. Best of all, the results can last up to six months!

The use of Botox to treat excessive sweating can be especially helpful for men or women who have a big event coming up and don’t want to worry about checking their outfit for sweat marks throughout the night. It’s a great way to address the cosmetic concern associated with sweating!

Hyperhidrosis Treatment

It’s also worth noting that Botox is FDA approved to treat what’s referred to as hyperhydrosis. This is a medical term used to describe excessive sweating on a daily basis. The process for treating hyperhydrosis is quite different and requires a more involved series of tests and the use of special anti-perspirants to be sure you can receive treatment. That’s because the use of Botox for hyperhydrosis may be covered by insurance.

If you experience excessive sweating and would like to explore the option of Botox for cosmetic treatment, call us today at 262-236-5179 to schedule a consultation. We can help you feel confident in whatever outfit you may be wearing for your next big event!

Owner / On-Site Medical Director at Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa | Website

Dr. Deborah Manjoney is a board-certified surgeon and physician with extensive training, including cardiothoracic surgery. She founded the Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in 2002, where she specializes in vein treatments and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Dr. Manjoney is nationally recognized, having spoken at conferences, received awards, and contributed to medical publications.