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How We Reduce the Appearance of Scars

Many of us have scars, some more severe than others. We often have patients come to us with scars, wondering if there’s anything we can do to make them appear less dramatic or apparent. While the ability to do so depends on where on the body the scar is located and how bad it is, there are often a number of things we can do to reduce the appearance. Best of all, most options are minimally-invasive or even non-invasive.

With any scar, the earlier we can start treatment the better. As scars age, they become more difficult to treat. When patients come to us early, we can utilize things like silicone pads and topical products. These can help prevent a scar from becoming raised as it develops. If this first early step is taken, the scarred tissue will blend better with the rest of your skin.

If your scar has already aged for a few years, there’s still hope! During an initial consultation, we take steps to determine the best approach for minimizing the appearance. Oftentimes a laser treatment will work wonders! One that tends to work particularly well is a fractionated laser resurfacing treatment. Scar tissue consists of “abnormal” collagen, and fractionated laser treatments work to stimulate the production of “normal” collagen. For some patients one treatment may be enough, but on occasion we’ll need to perform a series of two or three spaced a month apart. In the end, you can expect to see noticeable, wonderful results – the scar will appear flatter and the area will have a more even tone and texture.

Some patients may have scars or stretch marks which are discolored. These can be treated using intense pulsed light, or IPL. These treatments help to reduce the discoloration, making the skin tone more even and smooth around the area.

If you’re able, it’s best to visit us as early as possible to help prevent your scar from developing! However, you don’t need to fret if you have a scar that’s several years old. Our experienced staff will help make sure you are well taken care of. We’ll have your scars faded in no time! Call us today at 262.236.5179 to schedule a consultation and learn more about your options.

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Dr. Deborah Manjoney is a board-certified surgeon and physician with extensive training, including cardiothoracic surgery. She founded the Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in 2002, where she specializes in vein treatments and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Dr. Manjoney is nationally recognized, having spoken at conferences, received awards, and contributed to medical publications.