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Why Choose Medical-Grade Skincare?

With skincare becoming an increasingly popular part of beauty routines, it can feel a little overwhelming knowing where to start. If you’ve spent any time in the skincare aisle at your local store, you know there are plenty of options. It can be easy to think that expensive skincare products aren’t any better than their drugstore alternatives, but this isn’t always the case. When it comes to getting the best results possible, it’s hard to beat medical-grade skincare products. If you’re wondering where to start, then your skincare specialist can help. We offer some of the best in medical-grade product lines like Epionce®, so here’s what to know about taking the plunge with the best skincare products on the market.


If you’ve opted for drugstore skincare products until now, you probably have a few favorites. That’s great! Over-the-counter skincare is usually economic and effective enough at keeping your skin in good shape. However, these products are made to work for a wide variety of people and skin types, meaning they’re not so good at targeting specific concerns or achieving drastic results. Because you can purchase them without a prescription, the active ingredients in them are usually capped at a certain level according to legal standards. Additionally, marketing can often be difficult to navigate when it comes to hoping for one thing and getting another. Over-the-counter products are famous for promising transformative results that don’t line up with what they can actually do. That’s why it’s important to use your best judgment— if it seems too good to be true for the price, it probably is!


Medical-grade skin care products come with a prescription from a doctor or dermatologist. These can have a much higher concentration of active ingredients because they require a prescription, meaning they can reach deep down in your skin where they’ll achieve the results you’re hoping for. Medical-grade skin care products also come with much stricter regulation by the Food and Drug Administration, meaning it comes with much higher safety and purity standards. These products are usually supported by scientific research and medically backed formulas. Although medical-grade products can be drastically more expensive than drugstore counterparts, you should consider it an investment in your skin and your budget when you achieve the results you’re hoping for with fewer products. If you opt for professional skin care treatments and supplement your at-home care with less-than-great products, it can negatively affect your results and mean you might need more extensive treatments in the future. Your skincare can make or break your treatment, so don’t skimp!


The best way to learn more about the best products for your skin is by meeting with licensed skincare professionals. At our Pewaukee office, we offer the best in Epionce skincare products along with great specials to get you started on medical-grade skincare. This includes 10% off products when you purchase skincare treatments and 20% off our Epionce skincare options during the month of August! Meet with our team to begin creating the ideal skincare plan for you and your goals so you can boost your at-home regimen and achieve your best skin yet.


We’re excited to offer the best in medical-grade skincare. To meet with our team, we invite you to contact us by calling or filling out our online form.

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Dr. Deborah Manjoney is a board-certified surgeon and physician with extensive training, including cardiothoracic surgery. She founded the Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in 2002, where she specializes in vein treatments and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Dr. Manjoney is nationally recognized, having spoken at conferences, received awards, and contributed to medical publications.