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Why Choose CoolSculpting Over Liposuction?

How do you achieve a beach body? Usually, it takes a healthy diet and steady exercise regimen to reach your fitness goals. However, even with the best intentions, there are times when working out and cutting calories just isn’t enough. No matter how hard you try, pockets of fat don’t budge.

If you’re close to your desired weight but still have areas of stubborn fat, you’ve got both surgical and non-surgical treatment options. CoolSculpting and liposuction are both effective for body contouring and reducing fat tissue. However, the two procedures are very different, and many more patients are choosing CoolSculpting over liposuction.

Although each patient has their reasons for choosing CoolSculping, there are a few common benefits that we believe sets it apart. Although we’ll discuss your best options during a consultation, here are some factors to consider.


View our CoolSculpting Before & After Gallery


Although surgical procedures can produce some transformative results in a short time, it’s worth noting that incisions can require substantial downtime. After CoolSculpting, you can return to your regular schedule immediately, even exercising afterwards. On the other hand, liposuction can require some days off of work and additional weeks of low activity to allow for swelling to go down and your incisions to heal. For patients with an active lifestyle and a full schedule, liposuction can take a toll. Additionally, the use of incisions can mean some patients are not good candidates for liposuction because of health concerns, making CoolSculpting an excellent alternative.


Although this may not be a positive factor for some patients, others prefer the gradual transformation that comes with CoolSculpting that fits with their diet and exercise regimen. If you’ve been working hard on crafting your best body and enjoying the journey, then CoolSculpting can be a great way to lose inches faster and see results from your hard work. This way, it doesn’t interfere with your schedule or require you to put your regimen on hold for downtime.


Unlike liposuction, CoolSculpting doesn’t require any anesthesia and can be completed in a quick, thirty-minute session. There’s little pain involved and you can even bring your book or show to catch up on while you wait. Most patients enjoy the boost to their fat-reducing regimen with a treatment package that easily fits in their schedule. And all you have to do is sit back and relax!


As with any cosmetic procedure, there are pros and cons of each. Ultimately, choosing CoolSculpting over liposuction depends on your goals and preferences, and we can discuss the best options for you during a consultation at our Pewaukee office. To learn more about your options with CoolSculpting, contact Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa by calling or filling out our online form.

Owner / On-Site Medical Director at  | Website

Dr. Deborah Manjoney is a board-certified surgeon and physician with extensive training, including cardiothoracic surgery. She founded the Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in 2002, where she specializes in vein treatments and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Dr. Manjoney is nationally recognized, having spoken at conferences, received awards, and contributed to medical publications.