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Does CoolSculpting Actually Work?

What if we told you there’s a way to eliminate stubborn fat on your belly, arms, and thighs – without requiring invasive liposuction surgery?

Sure, it may sound too good to be true. But the truth is that there’s an FDA-approved treatment out there designed to help contour the body and remove unwanted fat bulges.

That treatment is called CoolSculpting – and the staff at the Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in Pewaukee, WI. have been using it with great success for three years!

What’s CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved procedure that uses freezing technology to deliver controlled cooling to treatment areas. The cold targets and kills fat cells, which the body eventually processes and removes. After a period of about three months, patients will see significant volume loss in the treatment area, resulting in a more contoured shape.

CoolSculpting can be used on any body part where stubborn fat can be found. The most common treatment areas include the thighs, stomach, love handles, arms, bra fat and buttocks. A newer ‘Cool Mini’ applicator can be used to target smaller areas, including the under chin area, top of the knee, and tail of the breast.

But the real question is…

Will It Actually Work?

The short answer is a resounding yes! CoolSculpting has been studied in more than 4,000 clinical trial patients, and shows a resounding patient satisfaction rating of up to 95%. More than 2 million applications have been performed worldwide!

During your CoolSculpting consultation with Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa a clinician will work with you to develop an individual treatment plan based on your ideal goals. This plan will include the number of CoolSculpting treatments you’ll need.

The procedure itself takes less than an hour to perform; during the procedure, patients are invited to read a book or nap. There’s no downtime associated with the treatment, so patients can return to their normal activities right after the procedure. At Wisconsin Vein Center and MediSpa, acoustic massage of the treated area is performed immediately following the procedure to accelerate response, and ensure an even result.

CoolSculpting results are permanent, as the fat cells are destroyed and eliminated. New fat cells won’t form, but remaining cells can expand if you gain a lot of weight, therefore, patients should be prepared to commit to a regular diet and exercise plan to maintain results.

CoolSculpting at Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa

To learn more about CoolSculpting, schedule a consultation with the staff at Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in Pewaukee, WI. Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa serves the greater Milwaukee metro area. Call 262-236-5179 to learn more today.

Owner / On-Site Medical Director at  | Website

Dr. Deborah Manjoney is a board-certified surgeon and physician with extensive training, including cardiothoracic surgery. She founded the Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in 2002, where she specializes in vein treatments and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Dr. Manjoney is nationally recognized, having spoken at conferences, received awards, and contributed to medical publications.