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Does CoolSculpting Really Work?

Let’s face it. You’ve seen your fair share of commercials promising you permanent fat reduction.  Whether it’s through a diet or a unique treatment, these ads seem to promise you the world…

Only to fail to deliver time and time again.

Have You Heard of CoolSculpting?

It probably explains why you may be a little hesitant when you first heard about CoolSculpting.  This new treatment claims to reduce fat in trouble zones by destroying fat cells – all without harming surrounding healthy tissue.  It’s been said that CoolSculpting can lead to permanent fat reduction, with a staggering 40-45% permanent fat loss after a second application.

So what’s the deal?  Does CoolSculpting really work – or is it just another treatment that breaks its promises?

Dr. Deborah Manjoney tries COOLSCULPTING at Wi MediSpa!

The Final Verdict on CoolSculpting

Get ready to stand up and cheer.  CoolSculpting doesn’t just work well – research has actually shown that it leads to permanent fat loss in healthy candidates.  That means your stomach, thighs, muffin top, and saddlebags can disappear forever after just a couple of treatments.

Just try getting that kind of promise from any other non-invasive fat reduction treatment!

The key to CoolSculpting’s remarkable success is that it uses an FDA-approved technique to freeze and destroy fat cells.  Once the fat cells have been destroyed by the CoolSculpting applicator, the body’s waste processes remove the cells from the body, leading to permanent fat reduction.  CoolSculpting is designed to keep your surrounding muscle and skin tissue healthy, which is why it’s such a popular treatment with cosmetic surgeons and medical spas.

Wondering how many CoolSculpting applications you’ll need? On average, individuals lose 20-25% of fat in a treated area with a single application.  If a second application is done, 40-45% permanent fat reduction can be seen.

Ideal candidates are those who follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen; however, they’ve been unable to lose pockets of fat.  As a general rule of thumb, candidates should be within 30 pounds of their ideal weight.

Discover CoolSculpting at Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa

Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa has now performed over 1000 applications of CoolSculpting, making it one of our most popular procedures!  To learn more about CoolSculpting or to see if you’re a viable candidate, schedule your consultation at Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in Pewaukee, Wisconsin today.

Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa also serves the greater Milwaukee, WI metro area. Call 262-236-5179 to learn more.

Owner / On-Site Medical Director at Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa | Website

Dr. Deborah Manjoney is a board-certified surgeon and physician with extensive training, including cardiothoracic surgery. She founded the Wisconsin Vein Center & MediSpa in 2002, where she specializes in vein treatments and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Dr. Manjoney is nationally recognized, having spoken at conferences, received awards, and contributed to medical publications.